The Demigod Diaries by Rick Riordan
Review by Hannah
This book is short stories that give back story to the Percy Jackson series and more information about important parts like the Mist. I think that this book is important to read, and I was a little disappointed by the illustrations. I like this book because it gives greater detail and explains things like the Mist. You should read this book because it provides vital information to completely understand the Percy Jackson series.
Review by Tori
This book is about the heir of a princess thought to be a girl, but who is actually a boy, who switches lives with a boy from the real world. From there the story unravels into an action packed manga. I like this book because it is action packed. You should read this book because the story and art is great.
Guitar Notes by Mary Amato
Review by Jocelyn
This book is about two musicians named Lyla (a cellist) and a boy named Trip
p (guitarist). As time goes on these two start passing notes and becoming really close. I like this book because it talks a lot about music and friendships. You should read this book because it is a funny and sometimes sad book, that talks a lot about music.
Review by Katelyn
Romeo is a vampire slayer and Juliet is a vampire and they fall in love. I like this book because it was interesting and really good.
Fushigi Yugi by Watase, Yuu
Review by Paige
This book is about a girl who is sick and it doesn't exist in the other world and everybody knows about it. They are trying to get the other half of the warrior.(sic) I like this book because it is action packed and it's a manga. You should read this book because it's a really good book.
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